Guide to plant vegetables in the fall

Guide to plant vegetables in the fall. Fall is a good time to plant vegetables that can handle temperatures more fresh. While some summer vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and squash are still growing and producing at the beginning of autumn, these plants are not frost tolerant and usually begin to die back in the fall of temperatures near the freezing point.

Other plants, however, such as vegetables, tubers, vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower cruciform, and bulbs such as onions, prosper this season. See below a guide to how to plant:


Many green leafy vegetables are frost hardy and grow well in the fall. These include mustard, kale and turnip greens, spinach, kale, lettuce and other salad greens, and parsley. Some people believe that green like kale, mustard, taste more sweet and less bitter after having been affected by frost. These vegetables mature relatively quickly in 30 to 60 days.

Root Crops

The plant root crops such as beets, turnips, parsnips, radishes and carrots also work well for the garden in autumn. The roots of these plants tolerate frost and will grow in the months most cold of the season. Some of these plants, including beets, turnips and radishes can be harvested in 30 to 60 days. Others, like carrots, may take up to 80 days to mature.

Cruciform vegetables

Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower are among the vegetables cross that tolerate frost. These plants are usually planted as early in the season as possible, since they often require more than 80 days to mature. While large leaves of these plants can be adversely affected by frost, the heads of the plants usually remain fresh and edible, so after this time.


Many bulbs also grow well in the fall and can withstand temperatures below zero cold. Plant onions, garlic, leeks and shallots early in the season, usually 60 to 90 days before the scheduled time of the first frost. These plants grow during the autumn and can be left on the floor and after the first frost occurs.