Protective plants for the garden

Some plants can be used to repel or fight the most common pests in our garden. By proper combination of plant when planting is possible to generate very beneficial for companies garden.
  • Basil (Ocinum basilicum): Repels insects in general. Often used as a repellent of aphids planted among the peppers and to ward off mosquitoes in the house.
  • Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium): Repels altisas, moths and carrot flies and protects white cabbage butterfly. Protects currant rust.
  • Garlic (Allium sativum): Under the fruit prevents mildew and peach leaf curl. Prevents gray rot. Next to the rose bush prevents mildew.
  • ABROTANO Artemis (Artemis abrotanum): Cultivated under the fruit thereof repels moths. In the garden repels moths and cabbage white butterfly .
  • Watercress (Nasturtium officinale): Cultivated under fruit trees or roses protects the woolly aphid.
  • Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus): Along with the free BROCCOLI keeps aphids. Along with pumpkins repels worms. Under the apple trees and rose bushes with woolly aphid repellent. Antibiotic.
  • Onion (Allium cepa): A string of onions around the garden protects the rabbits, which did not go through.
  • French Chives (Allium schoenoprasum): Help the apple against scab or mottled if growing near their roots.
  • Wild Asparagus (Aspargus acutifolius): Repels Butterfly planted under the apple codling moth.
  • Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) Hyssop pink and white, but especially blue, seem to repel insects. Protect the sprouts cabbage white butterfly.
  • Common flax (Linum usitatissinum): Repels potato beetle.
  • Grass Mint or good (Mentha spicata): Repels ants (avoiding aphids they move), the altisas or pulgillas and cabbage white butterfly. It also repels rodents.
  • Peppermint (Mentha piperita): Repels white cabbage butterfly.
  • Walnut (Juglans nigra, J. cinerea, J. regia): Repels flies and horseflies.
  • Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium): Repels ants.
  • Oak, oak, cork oak, holm oak (Quercus sp.): The leaves of Quercus padding repels noctuids us, larvae of weevils and slugs spread on the paths and lines within the plots.Quercus crusts, rich in tannins, have the same effect.
  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): Repels carrot fly.
  • May be mutually Ruda (Ruta graveolens): Planted by the stables and houses repels flies.
  • Sage (Salvia officinalis): Repels white cabbage butterfly (fresh Sizes scattered among the cabbages have the same effect). Repels carrot fly.
  • Tansy (Chrysanthemum vulgare): Repels flies, ants and moths.